Monday, June 30, 2008

love pasta

this "love pasta"
tastes too much, like chef boyardee
to me

Friday, June 27, 2008

la semana pasada

la semana pasada me la rasque y se me hizo roncha

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

es una historia de playback
alguien dicta en la sombra y tu
solo mueves los labios...

santi A.


im gonna talk bout tonite
tonite i went to a party
there where freshnes from 9 to 12
it was live from 12 till 2
it was awsomw from 2 until 3 am
at 4 am it got boring
im writting on my blog
what a lonely night


Saturday, June 14, 2008

apaga la tele, dice que te quieres dormir
laser tag society
can i talk to you for a second?
la atecion de la gente en la actualidad solo puede ser medida en nanosegundos
djs, movies, art, its all so good
MTY its bitch on sundays
we are all sundays bitch
english!, spagniol, sabemos que es un juego
pero es mas escondidilllas que una sopa de letras

quien eres tu daniel
que del futuro nos asustas
i was a monster in the past
but you werent even born

hype is energy hype is life...